Gretchen Schock
Gretchen is a certified Health and Life Coach accredited by the International Coach Federation. She helps clients discover small changes they can make to get amazing transformations so that they can feel better in their body, their health, and across all areas of their life. As a certified Functional Fitness Personal Trainer and E-RYT 500 hr certified yoga instructor, she is less interested in six-pack abs and handstands and more interested in teaching clients how to build strength in their bodies to move safely and easily as they age.
10 Years Sober!
Taking the Leap in Life Decisions
Mindful Consumption Helps Your Mental Health
How I Took Charge of My Health and Healed My Endometriosis
A Great Way To Be Present When You Gather With Friends
Self-care Isn't Social Media
How to Stop Avoiding Hard Things
What do you need?
The dressing that does it all - Sesame Ginger
What has the biggest impact on your health?