My mission when I created Bee Yoga Fusion 12 years ago was and continues to be, to create a place where everyone feels welcome regardless of age, size, physical ability, gender, race, political affiliations, sexual identity, or financial status.

WHY? Because I want to feel the joy of human connection when we step beyond the labels that are created for us and belong to a community.
This picture is my reminder of this mission. It sits framed on my desk to remind me and anchor me to my goal. When I feel like I can’t do it anymore and this year has been a year ya’ll! I’m about to come upon 1 year of being forced to be closed due to the size of my studio with the COVID mandates in our county. This picture has been my anchor. In it, you see there are various ages from the 60s to mid-20s, various races, various genders, one person in the picture is blind and one is pregnant.
What do we see on all their faces? JOY for being a part of this COMMUNITY!
Want to join us for virtual classes and be apart of this amazing community? Click here