If 10-year-old YOU could be here now, how would they feel about this situation of you not putting yourself as a priority? What would that inner child tell you to do?
I remember as a child feeling hungry, feeling the belly grumble, telling my mom how hungry I was, and then eating food. As an adult, there have been many times when I felt hungry but rather than listen to what my body was telling me instead I immediately thought of how eating a meal at that moment would fit into the family schedule or how it would affect everyone else in my house. I want so badly to be a home where my kids remember us sitting down to the table to eat dinner together, but honestly with my yoga teaching schedule, it’s nearly impossible to do.
Being 10 is all about change, embarking on this new double-digit adventure of adolescence but yet still focused on themselves and their needs rather than looking at the opinions of others.
Let’s try to channel back to that 10-year-old YOU.
Let’s put YOU on the to-do list this week so that your needs are being met and you feel as though you are engaging in your relationships from a place of abundance.

What does that look like for me? I am reminding myself of my inner child who would eat when hungry, I’m listening more to that inner voice within me now. If I’m hungry, I eat. If it doesn’t work with the schedule of the rest of the house I sit down with them and have a cup of tea while they eat. Sometimes we have to let go of the rules and restrictions we put on ourselves and evaluate whether or not those rules serve us to be our best selves.
Mindfulness is about living with intention and evaluating the habits we have placed in our lives and letting go of the things that aren’t serving us anymore. When we are more mindful in all of the aspects of our lives; family, work, relationships, we see how important it is that self-care is a weekly priority.
Think back to when you lived life with your needs in the forefront of your mind. Maybe it’s not the 10-year-old you, maybe it’s 16 or 21. A time when you listened to your inner self more than the opinions of others. What lessons could you take from that time to bring into the present day so that you make yourself a priority this week?
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