Creating a routine of working out takes time and planning. For it not to feel like a chore, it has to mesh with your lifestyle and schedule. Some folks dive head first into a training program and fizzle out within a few weeks. Others struggle with actually doing the workout though they have bought the gear needed and also figured out the classes that best fit their schedule.
Wherever you fall on this spectrum, I’d like to challenge you to try a different approach. Let’s ease into fitness by simply adding more movement into the course of your day. Did you know that adding more movement throughout your day releases endorphins and boosts your energy level? It also relieves stress and gives you a better night’s sleep. That sounds awesome. And it can be done with a few simple changes to your habits. Here’s how:
- When you are talking on the phone, pace or stand.
- Set the alarm, and every hour do a lap around the room you are in or around the inside of your house.
- Every time you stand up from your desk or a chair, immediately do five squats.
- While reading an article or email, stretch your arms over your head and alternate leaning over to each side.
- While you wait for the coffee to brew or your lunch to heat up in the microwave, place the palms of your hands on the edge of your kitchen counter and do pushups.
You and I know excessive sitting kills people, causing heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and some cancers. But, we don’t have to beat ourselves up about our past choices. Instead, let’s look at today as a fresh start to incorporate more movement into our daily lives so that we become healthier, happier, and less stressed.
Great suggestions Gretchen. Thank you.
I’m so glad to hear that these suggestions helped you, Linda. Looking forward to seeing you in a class soon!